Wednesday, 31 October 2007
just now forgot to put
then copy to wrong place..then became like shit.
nice work *pat on the shoulder*
gong to cook lunch already!
later then can slack again.
and watch dvds
although today i met that bitch in school, i didn't really care.
that feeling has gone off me!
*slacking again*
blog edited again at 12pm, wednesday.
the blog is messed up again...
after i tried to add songs, the blog was like???????????
*blogger fustrated*
*going to check html*
this is my edited blog.
added some new stuff!
and some vital statistics.
please tag!
(sometimes, things can be too big..)
Done maths and science and
lols, still got english wat...
at least i can understand x)
today im cooking macaroni
sure won't burnt one!!!!!!!!! xD
yesterday i went to the esplanade library
watch SOME dvds
taller than chinese textbook x)
go n buy stuff with zq on the 7 of nov.
i hope can go to the Marketplace and buy!
wonder how many ppl will come...
hope XXXXXXX is coming, XXXXXXX lives a stone's throw away..
(and stop guessing, cos what u guess will never be the answer)
*slacking now*
that's all.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
You Are 4: The Individualist |
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You Are an Orange Martini |
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Pisces - Your Love Profile |
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You Should Honeymoon in Europe! |
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Monday, 29 October 2007
hate this day...
yucks, it sucks!!!!
don't like loads of peeps... i think the huttson blog thing is like damn lame la! no point mah... dog only, but ppl like it...
they damn lame sia!!!! sucks man...
noob shit..
today another sian day... i hate that bitch la!! i hate her!
tot sec 3 ok alr, then she go I also.
sucky day again...
don't bother trying to see.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
feeling lazzzzzzy
just come back from youth service..
the priest gave us a lecture on teenagers.
he said that we girls should never believe what boys at this age say to us in love.
well, i thought that was quite true...
today edit blogskin like crazy
then later accidentally delete. (that stupid clear edits button la!)
my computer keep on lagging
then later fry two fishes for lunch, and cook the soup- luckily never burn?
this time got frog legs again...
after lunch gotta call those peeps for class party no one even answer luh..
class party like so pathetic like this, like no one want to go or even bother to ask..feel like canceling, but i want to go.. damn retarded uh.
don't know wad to do now,
but later going to OG to by some new stuff (maybe i could get a pair of ????)
i hope its new clothes.
dresses at this point will be a nightmare..
i don't like sleeping in the afternoon..
and sitting around to wait for-?
damn sucky day..
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Gavin just helped me edit my blog. and i must say, he did MORE THAN THAT...
now i don't know what to do about him. i really don't know. i hate people who stick to me. you know. that kind. holidays don't feel like holidays. they fall like...winter. i want to travel..... go far away... never come back to this sucky place full of crap. but not everyone's crap. i like some. i HATE SOME. they dont seem to fit. you know, people don't keep what they say. they only say it because they feel it at that time and then when its happy-snappy, they go bonkers and forget about the promises they made. dumbos. not enjoying myself at school. not at all! the sight of her makes me go sick. SICK!!!!! YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS??! every morning you look into that face. i thought it was square this morning.
Saturday, 20 October 2007
wonder why cant zq tag my tagboard... i hope nutthing's wrong...
YESTERDAY i was so happy, cos we got four prizes:
best director,
best set ,
best producer and
1st overall.\
thanks to all my members who made this happen and special thanks to farhan who agreed readily to sub gavin as the servant (;
guess i should buy chocolates for y'all :) (yes samuel, you guessed it.\)
i was actually quite suprised that I wont the best director thingy. i thought da hao was going to win, everyone said that he was great, good, excellent, so on and so forth.. hahahaa but i won... still cant believe it... x)
Thursday, 18 October 2007
SARAH. sarah! SARAH!
today was a little bad but fun you know. most of the drama was in school>>>
i got to PLAY BASKETBALL!!! for once, without the guys from other classes playing together.
I do mind, you know, they are so rough and craggy.=X
so I played with Kai Sheng, Farhan, Chunhao, Hadi, and Tang Kiat. =p
It was great, although sometimes I did a double. i scored a lot, kai sheng kept saying i was a top scorer.
but than later it rained, and but they still playing until got one auntie ask them to go in... hhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
zzzzzzzzzzz. siannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
today during the rehershal was like what, sucks? i thought it ran badly. just need to polish up on the acting and props(like so little, quite pathetic) then some ppl also dont want to cooperate, drive me crazy...
after we performed for ms fara, i thought we needed another two more runs. so we practiced at the back. then when i get everything ready, then ms fara say cant practice there. why??
then later everything have to shift to the back. but damn funny.
samuel and charz proposing that time like made everyone laugh la! when charlotte asked samuel to come n do, farhan was like 'say no! SAY NO!' then later samuel was like, ' coming!' then later" take revenge!" and then he use his guitar to pretend to smash charlotte.
another time was...
when samuel said 'joy be the consequence!' kai sheng go and giv him his shoe. then is like, Bassanio use one real stinky shoe to open the casket. everyone was like"what the hell...?" and bla. bla! BLAH! fullstop the end.
by the way, Farhan made my life easier when he agreed to act in gavin's role as the servant. cos of something . Thanks a million!
after this then i played basketball.. ya like i said on top...
k. nxt time then type. i wanna sleep =D